September 06, 2009

Exploring, Chasing, and Candy

Sometimes my subjects present me with a bit of a challenge. I love challenges, they keep life interesting.

This session my challenges were two brothers. B, a fun 4 year old who had my heart when I pulled into their driveway. Before I was even out of my car he peaked his head out of the front door and exclaimed, "It's Jennifer!" like I was the most exciting part of his day.

Then there was M, a 2 year old with striking features. Seriously gorgeous eyes, beautiful hair and antsy legs - he really doesn't like to be in one place for long.

So match my 2 challenges with an awesome new location (to them and me) with cool buildings, bridges, tunnels, and doorways and you have 2 little boys ready to explore, not sit for pictures. So they explored, Mom, Dad and I chased, and we were armed with treats. In the end we rewarded them with candy. As much as their little hands could hold, and when you see their eyes, you'll know why - you just can't say no.

Their mommy is a good friend of mine, and I know she left the session wanting to throw up her hands because there would be nothing good come of it. I hope this preview changes her mind. (And I'm warning you now, this is a bit of a long one.)






These last two are actually the same picture. Just done differently. I'm torn between the two because I love them both for different reasons. The first one is way over exposed which shows a bit of the detail of the family and the coloring - and well, I just really like it. The second being all in black and white and completely silhouette creates a different effect, totally cool. It would definitely be a print for my house because I like it so much and I think I know which one I would pick but I could not share just one.



TREASURE photography
{Family Photographer}


Brianne September 6, 2009 at 10:23 PM  

It's official... you are a miracle worker! I love all of them, but the tunnel ones are beyond cool! Can't wait to see the rest!

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