New Friends
One of the great things about being a photographer is all the wonderful people I get to meet and work with,
such as this high school senior, and her mom.
I met up with them yesterday for a beautiful morning on the beach.
While we had never met in person, we were instant friends.
During the shoot we talked about graduation and her big plans for the future. She seemed so excited, so ready. Her mom, however, mentioned more than once how it "made her weepy" to think about her little girl graduating and moving on in life.

When we were done we hugged, certain we would see one another again.
I am so glad our paths have crossed.
For my new friends I found this little quote that seemed so appropriate for this time,
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
TREASURE photography
{Orlando Photographer}
She is so beautiful! I love the pictures :)
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